There is a feeling inside me. Feeling of a fire inside you rushing in a high pressure.. you feel high people!! feel like jumping around like a person without worries~! so happy right?^^But then, even im feeling so happy n the same time...problems keep coming and coming one after another.. CAN THEY EVER STOP!? i had enough before exams..and now its over! I PROMISE MYSELF NT TO GET ANYTHING AFFECT ME!!!well,at least i hope..>.< i have great friends you know...but some of them really..zzzzzzz they are just too much...but so far it's okay.. btr then before exams..feel so blessed^^ and this is the 1st time im complementing Lakshmi...she really inspires me..she's really good in socializing. i LOOVE to talk and make friends..just pray that i wont be afraid of the society^^ now a days, im soooooooo into maple...too addicted...>.<
i seriously dont understand what's with girls so bothered with guys..well,they dont bother me..and i think hanging out with them is fun..all the hang out with is just girls girls n girls!soon they'll marry a girl n become a less bian..=.= hope they'll just change..
to be honest, i hate sexist..i really hope the "new frends" i make nxt year are nt racist..=.=