Sunday, April 19

Just laugh a little...=)


1st situation...

The lawyer asked the defenden...

Lawyer : OK. Why did you use chair to hit your wife?

Defenden: Because......i couldn't lift the table!!


2nd situation...

The little ant went to the swimming pool and saw the elephant there...

Ant : YO! Elephant!! Could you please come up for a while??

The elephant got out of the pool...the little ant observe the elephant...

Ant : OK. You can go back into the pool...F3

Elephant: YOu little FreAk!!! You are wasting my time,first you call me to get out from the pool and you call
me to go back??!!?!?!?!?!?!

Ant : Ohh...I'm sorry,I just lost my swimming trunks and i wanted to see wheter you have stolen it..

3rd situation...

Mr.brown is the teacher and he is asking Ali to use "you are" in a sentence...

Mr.Brown : Ali,"you are".

Ali : You are waiting for me to answer your question.

Mr.Brown : Yes. Very good!

Ali : Unfortunately, I am not understanding the quetion.

Mr.Brown : I want you to use "you are" in a sentence...For example,You are Pakistan.Now,say,"you are

Ali : OHH NO!!! i can't be saying that...because you are not from Pakistan,are you?

Mr.Brown : FINe!! say "you are English."


Mr.Brown : =.='' OKOK..say "I am Pakistan."

Ali : OHH BLIMEY!! I don't think you are from Pakistan.

4th situation...

Mr.Brown ask Anna and Ali to act out as if they don'tknow each other and they met in a park...

Ali : HI miss!!

Anna : (doesn't bother him and look other side)

Mr.Brown: What's wrong Anna?? You;re suppose to answer Ali....

Anna :I don't simply talk to strangers in the park!


Ali : HI miss!!

Anna : HI

Ali : It is very good weather today.

Anna : It was also a good weather yesterday.

Ali : Maybe tomorrow will be good weather also.

Anna : ya! Perhaps it could be raining.

Ali : yes,perhaps it could be raining.

5th situation...

Mr.Brown is teaching Anna on her pronounciation..

Mr.Brown : say " Wer" not "Ver".

Anna : Verwer

Mr.Brown : Now try saying it without the "Ver".

Anna : Erwer

Mr.Brown : Just say "Wer"!

Anna : Wer

Mr.Brown : Now say "Wednesday"

Anna : Wednesday.

Mr.Brown : say "Wonderful".

Anna : Wonderful.

Mr.Brown : Very good!!

Anna : Wery good!!

6th situation...

Mr.Brown : What do you call a pig after its dead?

(Ali raises his hand)


actual answer : PORK


Saturday, April 4

Whats wrong with me?

honestly tell me...what did i do wrong???? when u talk to me..u dont really care what am i saying + u dont really care what u say to hurt u know colod words hurts me ALOT???why are we like that? A friend of mine told me d problem is lacking of faith..i am lacking of faith that you and me would be good frends..are you lacking of faith or you just dont care?? tell me what u really want!!! DONT LEAVE ME WONDERFING AROUND...dont know what decision to make....LOOK BACK OVER YOUR LIFE!!! you just gonna throw away the happy moments??

hoping with not much faith.......................